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Tag Archives: Bob Books

Thing I Love Most – A Deal!


Nothing makes a new dress cuter than knowing it was purchased on sale.  A new ball is bouncier when it is 20% off.  Jump ropes are jumpier.  Games are more fun.  Swimsuits are splashier.  You get the idea.  I think it is an interesting peek into a mom’s psyche to consider such things.  And a smart retailer would take note.  It is not about the price.  It is about the deal.  It is about getting something a higher perceived value for far less.

For instance let’s say the above noted Dress A has a price of $25.  It’s a fair price for a girl’s dress.  In the same store, however, there is a Dress B that has an original price tag of $35 that has been marked down to $25.  Two dresses, sided by side.  Same price.  Which one do you want to get?  Do you even have to see them to know which one you think you would like better?  Be honest.  I know if I am being honest, it is hard for me to let Dress B go, even if I really like Dress A better.  I’m not judging – I am just observing!

With that being said, the pop-up of the daily deals everywhere is pure heaven for me.  I am the perfect customer because I am buying things solely because they are a deal.  Things that I would not buy today. Things that I wasn’t looking for today.  But things that are a discounted today – and I am loving it!  I have many different sites that I will share over time.  I am starting today with the mini social because in addition to being a deal, they are featuring a couple of my favorite items.

Currently listed for the next couple of days is the Scholastic sale with a couple of my favorite Scholastic items, being the Bob Books set and the I Spy Books.  I used the Bob Books to help both of my kids learn to read.   They are fantastic at building phonics as well as confidence.  The books build upon each other so once a sound is mastered it is incorporated into the next book with the next sound that is being taught.  And kids can move along at their own pace, sometimes moving quickly, other times taking it a little slower.  The I Spy Books I love because they can be enjoyed alone in the car on a long trip, or together in bed with parent and child playing together.  The photographic artwork engages children for a very long time.

The other line that interests me today is the National Geographic Maps.  The mini social is highlighting quite a few beautiful themed maps including the world, the heavens, the United States, dinosaurs, and The Civil War.  Lots of information to pour over while laying in bed at the end of a busy day.

What’s not to love – it’s a deal!